Town Services

The Town of Bladenboro offers the below listed services to its citizens:

Please Note: Leaf/Limb and Brown Goods are picked up at properties with an active utility account. All active accounts are charged a monthly fee for these services. 

Construction/Demolition Debris

Construction/Demolition debris is any material used in the building or erecting of any structure including accessory structures (e.g. lumber, steel beams, siding, shingles, brick, masonry, etc.)
For more information on Construction/Demolition debris, click above link.

For-Hire Services

The Town of Bladenboro offers For-Hire Services to those who live or own property within the corporate limits of the town.
Click the above link to check out rates and scheduling information.


Brown Goods Pickup

Bladenboro offers brown goods pickup service to resident or property owners within the corporate limits.  Brown Goods are inoperative and discarded non-appliance furniture items (e.g., sofas, chairs, tables, television sets, etc.)
Click above link for more information.

Leaf and Limb Pickup

Weather permitting, leaf and limbs will be picked up once a week. To assure that your debris will not be missed, feel free to contact the Town Hall at (910) 863-3655 to have your address placed on a pick-up list.
Click the above link for criteria on leaf and limb pickup.