Frequently Asked Questions


 What are city hall office hours?

8am - 5pm; Monday - Friday

 When can I get my utility deposit back?

Utility deposits are kept on each active utility account until closed. Deposits are then applied to final bills and any remaining deposit amount is sent to the address on file with the account.

 Do I need a permit to burn vegetation or yard debris?

Burning of vegetation, yard debris or any other materials within the corporate limits of the Town of Bladenboro is strictly prohibited.

 Who do I contact to rent the Wateree Park/McLean Park shelter? Concession stand? Field(s)?

Wateree Park is open to the public from dusk to dawn. The town does not charge any fees to use the shelter and use is "first-come, first-serve." Rental of the Wateree Park concession stand for games and events requires a contract with fee that can be filled out at Town Hall. Rental of Wateree park's athletic field requires a contract with fee that can be filled out at Town Hall. Rental of McLean Park athletic fields require a contract with fee that can be filled out at Town Hall.